Most of us working in an investment management shop will be familiar with this scenario: 

There is a powerful and capable order management system in place, as it would be impossible to manage today’s trading volumes without one. However, investments in middle- and back-office technology have not kept pace. 

There is a growing “technology gap” between what you have and what you need. And as this gap keeps growing, the cost of bridging this gap becomes millions, then tens of millions of dollars to close, and few can find the funding, the resources and the solutions to close, or even to narrow, the gap. 

Instead, employees must massage and manipulate the data loading into and being extracted out of these legacy platforms.  The employees who know how to do this become critical to the operation, and Excel becomes critical to the data flow between systems. 

We have already talked about the risk of losing these key employees, and most firms and their auditors have significant concerns about using spreadsheets to manage business-critical data. 

Accio Analytics provides a powerful, flexible, comprehensive portfolio analytics platform, capable of consolidating all your data in one place, presenting all assets under management in one database, allowing you to produce reports and graphs to show AUM details, performance metrics, attribution details, investment risk calculations and more. It then feeds this output into your downstream systems and reporting tools, as required. This reduces risk, reduces costs, increases your efficiency, increases your accuracy, increases the speed of creating reports for clients, and allows your employees to spend more time on data analysis and far less on data manipulation and verification. 

The Accio Analytics ecosystem will pull together your data from multiple sources and allow you to create and view a broad range of standard reports, plus, create custom reports based on your specific needs.